Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I know, itSPIN a while... ;-)

It's been way too long since I blogged. I've been busy at work (yay!) and running like crazy (training for 1/2 marathon) and teaching lots of Spinning classes (a little extra $$ to buy Morgan's books!). So, sadly cooking has fallen by the wayside, along with blogging about it.

Eating, however, has NOT fallen by the wayside. I'm hungry ALL the time. As anyone who's training for an endurance event will tell you, you have to eat...A fuel your engine. The challenge is making every one of those calories count. So I've been eating lots of lean protein (chicken and fish); lowfat dairy (milk and yogurt) and plenty of whole grains (barley, brown rice, etc.). Lots of veggies and tons of watermelon (it's so good right now)....and I'm still hungry!

And even though I know I'm burning it all off, the scale isn't moving right now. I'm at the original goal weight I set for myself, but I had readjusted it once I got there. I want to lose 7 more pounds, but there is NO WAY I can lose it while I'm training.

I suspect at some point I will lose without trying, even with the increased food intake, but I'm not to that point yet.

Last week I didn't stick to my run schedule because of taking Morgan up to school, so I moved things around a little and did my long run of last week on Monday of this week. Six miles.
Monday: 6 miles; took a new route, hated it. Sidewalk ended and dumped me onto the unpaved shoulder of a busy road at least 3 times. Ugh. Too many weird dips and gulleys on the path, too, including one area that basically went INTO a wetland. So, note to self...not running THAT route again. But it was a cool night and once I got past the weird parts of the terrain, I got my rhythm and felt good.

Tuesday: Spinning

Wednesday: Tonight will be short 3.5 mile run. I would normally have another short run this week, but I'm racing a 10K on Saturday as my long run for this week, so I'm tapering off and not running after tonight.

Thursday: Spinning and weights

Friday: Rest, stretching

Saturday: 10K (6.2 miles)

Sunday: Biking - probably 25 miles or more

I've also really cut back on drinking. I allow myself one night a weekend that I can have some wine or a cocktail or two. Usually it's Friday but this week it will probably be Saturday because I don't drink the night before a race. (Sometimes I'll stretch it to two nights if there's a special occasion, but in general I have really cut back on the empty calories from alcohol.)

I've also been trying to swim a little; I have been fortunate enough to get some great coaching from my buddy Ernie. Ernie has headed up the aquatic program at the JCC since my kids were little and he's just an all-around great guy who's passionate about swimming. Every time I go to swim laps, he comes over and helps me with my stroke and gives me pointers. For free. Love that! (That and he's TOTALLY

I haven't been on the scale in weeks...I just don't see the point given that I can't really "diet" right now. In fact, I think I might wait and weigh in after the half marathon is over. Should be interesting.

Today's blog brought to you by the word "persnickety" and the number 14.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Morning Run 8/12/08

Well, I decided to deviate from my 1/2 marathon training and treat this week as the last week of a 10K training program. That means 2 3-mile runs this week (today and Thursday) with cross-training on Wednesday and rest on Friday and Saturday. The race is Sunday.

So I ran before work this morning; it was chilly when I left the house, so I wore a lightweight warmup jacket which of course was too hot within the first 1/4 mile of the run and ended up around my waist. I mean, I know the rules; that you should be chilly for the first 1/2 mile. I was wimpy this morning and ended up having to deal with the damn jacket tied around my waist for 2 3/4 miles. Doh.

I timed my run this morning; I still can't break 10 minutes over 3 miles. I ran with a podcast at 161 BPM this morning; the pace was perfect for pushing myself a little bit, but it still wasn't enough to break 10. I'm not planning on placing on Sunday; I just don't want to finish at the bottom of the age group.

The good news is that, including my warm-up and cool-down walks, my HRM said I burned 400 calories (or 4 WW activity points); I'm teaching Spinning tonight which will give me another 5 APs and if I manage to hit the pool or the weight room, I can figure on 2-4 more. The upside is a great calorie burn; the downside will be the hunger.

It's so hard to lose weight when you're training; you really need to fuel your workouts, and I'm always STARVING the day after a tough training day. Watch out Wednesday!!!!

B: Oatmeal cooked with skim milk, frozen cherries and a beaten egg; coffee with 2 tbs whole milk

Monday, August 11, 2008

"You ride better when you're pissed...."

The weather was perfect for riding tonight; about 10 mph wind from the west, 75 degrees, sunny. I met hubby in Hines Park (he had my bike in his truck) and we set off on our ride. A few minutes into the ride, my chain started hopping gears. Annoying.

He says, "Oh, yeah, when I had it strapped down in the truck, I think the bungee might have been on your cable." Swell. I wanted to keep going so I found a few gears that didn't seem to be an issue and dealt with it.

Until we got to our first climb. I'm about 3/4 of the way up this steep freakin' hill and my chain jumps around, sticks, my foot comes out of my one clip and I end up standing on the hill. I wasn't even in my granny gear yet. I'm at its steepest point in the hill with no choice but to walk the next 10 yards or so. Meanwhile, he's up and over the hill and down the other side and out of sight when I realize my front derailleur is bent. Ugh.

So I wait for him to realize I'm not behind him and soon he circles back for me and fucks around with it for a while. "Well, you can ride your middle chain rings front and back; there are no hils on the way home and it's rubbing a little."

Double ugh. The thing I hate more than anything else is that f'ing rubbing sound of the chain along the front derailleur, or however the fuck you spell it.

So...yeah, I'm pissed and it's 12 miles back to the car. So I put my head down, went down into the drops and just went for it in whatever gear I was in, which fortunately was perfect for a high speed flat. Wind at my back, I averaged 22 the whole way back and hit 28 on a flat at one point.

He thought it was hilarious. "You ride a lot better when you're pissed."

I raised my pink-gloved hand and gave him the one-finger salute and pedaled faster.

Riding weather

My training plan calls for a run tonight, but it is beautiful out and not too warm...and I can't resist the call of the road!!

So...I'm deviating from "the plan" and doing a 20 mile or so ride after work tonight. Which means I am going to have to get up and do a 4 mile run before work tomorrow.

I must be crazy. But there are so few beautiful riding days in Michigan and winter will be here before I know it.

Carpe diem, baby, carpe diem.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Self Doubt

This Wednesday is the sprint triathlon I was planning to do this year.

I abandoned those plans a few weeks ago when I realized that it was going to be almost impossible for me to train for the swim while I'm also teaching Spinning and training for the half marathon in October. My friend/occasional swimming coach at the JCC concurred that I might be best off waiting...focusing on my running training right now, getting the half under my belt and using the winter to build my swimming endurance.

But today I ran into another friend/fellow Spinning instructor at the bike store and she and some friends are doing the tri this Wednesday. (She's also doing a full ironman in 2 weeks...and she's 45!!!) She convinced me that I could TOTALLY do the tri, EVEN THE SWIM. Just take your time, she said. Dog paddle, breast stroke, back stroke...whatever it takes.

Problem is I already volunteered to cover another instructor's Spinning class this Wednesday evening. Why? Because I doubted myself and figured there was no way I could do this tri this soon...and I listened not only to that little doubting voice inside my head but I conveyed it to someone else who began to doubt me, as well.

Lesson learned.

I'm going to see if I can get someone to cover me on Wednesday and just show up for the freakin' tri. Of course, you realize I'm only going to half-heartedly look for a sub because that little voice inside my head is still telling me I can't do it.

Lesson maybe not learned just yet.

Weekend Workouts

Well, I've been really lazy about updating my training blog the last few days, so I'll try to get caught up.

Friday I took the day off work (it was our 21st wedding anniversary), so I was able to get my long run of the week in on Friday instead of over the weekend. I ended up deviating from my planned route and doing 6.28 miles instead of 6. The weather was pretty nice; a light breeze and around 80, so I was pretty comfortable the whole way. It took me about an hour and 5 minutes (not including the warm-up and cool-down walk, which I didn't include in the mileage, either) and by the time I reached my recovery heart rate, my total calorie burn was 800. (I finally got the battery in my HRM replaced, so it was a new experience running that kind of distance with the feedback it provides.) My HR was around 150-153 most of the run which was a comfortably challenging effort.

Friday night...well, let's not go into all that was consumed food and drink-wise; I kept my portions small even if what I ate wasn't exactly "healthy". Nor were the martinis and wine, but I figured I had already earned them that day!

Hubby surprised me with a tri-suit! A really nice one. All along I've thought he hasn't been very supportive of my goals, so this was a really nice gesture on his part.

Saturday we rode 24 miles in a stiff wind. With the wind at our backs we were averaging about 22 mph; on the way back, it was a struggle to hold to 15 or 16!! It was a great workout, though. Yesterday we ate really healthy. Grilled chicken, corn, home-made vinegar-based cole slaw and berries for dessert.

This morning I got up and made real oatmeal (I never do instant) with fresh berries then taught a Spinning class. I burned 570 in class...not too bad considering I was off my bike a few times.

Tonight's dinner was a low fat chicken and corn chowder, grilled zucchini and salad.

Well...I really need to kick it up a little this week and get into the weight room!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week of 8/4 training blog we go. Down to the wire for the Detroit Free Press Marathon/Half Marathon on October . Two months and 13 days until the starting gun goes off on my first half marathon!Since many of my friends are athletes, I thought I would keep a training blog of both training runs, cross training and nutrition as I go through this process.

Some of you are already snoring (really, you should get that looked at) but fear not!!!! I promise to also write about food and cooking from time to time, as well as my occasional snarky rant, sarcastic missive and Monday Moanin'.

This blog will be updated daily and a new one will be posted weekly.( I promise to swear like a sailor from time-to-time because you have all come to expect it.)


I'm following as closely as possible a Hal Higdon training plan to build up to a half marathon. I'm beginning the program in week six since I have already done the distances called for by this week's program.This week calls for: a 4 mile run, a 2 mile run or cross training, another 4 mile run and a 6 mile run. There is one day for stretch/strengthening (probably tonight I will swim and do weights), one day for rest and another rest day where I also have the option of an easy run. I would probably use this day to Spin or ride instead. Friday is scheduled as a rest day as of right now, but I'm taking the day off so I might swim.I always do my longest run on Saturday or Sunday when I have the most time/flexibility in my schedule. Since I'm teaching Spinning this Sunday (which counts as cross training) I'll probably run on Saturday.

Monday, August 4th;

Exercise:Run; distance: 4.19 milesTime: 52 minutes (slow and steady)
Weather: Hot but mostly overcast; very humid. Light headwind on the outbound section...that I sorely missed on the return because I felt like the temp rose 10 degrees when it wasn't blowing in my face anymore.


B: Oatmeal (the real stuff)L: Grilled salmon patty on whole wheat toast with light mayo; salad of spinach, red peppers and tomatoes, fresh watermelonS1: Handful of Skittles and 2 strawberry twizzlers (what? I can't count those as a serving of fruit? Shit. You people have no sense of humor.)

S2: 2 apricots (have you seen those "black apricots" with the dark purple skin? OMG, sweeter than the Skittles!)D: 5 oz. boneless skinless chix breast, grilled eggplant, steamed green beans, baby bok choy, corn on the cob (no butter), blueberries/watermelon for dessert

S3: Couple handfuls of blueberries

Comments: Nothing like having to publish what you're eating to help keep you honest. (And I stand by the "Skittles as Fruit" theory.)


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Exercise: 25 minutes swimming laps.
I really don't enjoy swimming. I even bought a SwiMP3 player. Doesn't really help. I suck at it. I mean, I look ok in the water, I just have no endurance.

B: Oatmeal (the real stuff) cooked with fresh blueberries...YUM
L: Leftover eggplant, green beans, 4 oz boneless, skinless chicken, black bean/corn salad, watermelon
S1: Mini-box of cheerios, 3 twizzlers, coffee at 3:30 pm
D: 6 oz water packed tuna with 1.5 tbs light mayo and tbs sweet relish on a low-carb spinach tortilla; apricot, handful of blueberries, iced coffee with lowfat milk
S2: This was really more like a second dinner; 2 bowls of Uncle Sam cereal with blueberries and lowfat milk. (I usually drink skim but I'm out of it at the moment.)' 8 cashews

Comments: Note to self: Confucious say: She who eat high fiber cereal at bedtime spend morningtime on crapper.


Exercise: 7 am 2 mile run (in just under 20 minutes, not bad!)
Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg, 1 serving oatmeal with blueberries and a little maple syrup.

(That high fiber cereal last night is not sitting well in my stomach. Oh wait, must have been the milk...I was out of lactaid.)

L: Late lunch at 2 pm of 4 oz boarshead honeymaple turkey (yum) on a low-carb flax roll-up (not-so-yum...I think I may have accidentally eaten a Fedex box) bread with honey mustard and baby greens; grilled asparagus and roasted red pepper salad with a light vinaigrette, an overly salty roasted vegetable soup (half of which got poured down the sink); sliced fresh peaches and blackberries with fat free greek yogurt.

Comments: Don't get me started on oversalting food, especially soup! This soup was from a high-end market with a great prepared foods section. I think sometimes restaurants use prepared soup base for their stock (and these are already usually rather salty) and then they go at it with the salt shaker anyway. Ugh.

Going away party tonight for a client; there will be booze and plenty of bar food. I'm going to have to really watch myself! Figured eating a late lunch and snacking on fruit and veggies this afternoon will help me resist potato skins and buffalo wings (neither of which I really like anyway).

D: 1 mini crab cake, 2 small pieces of king crab, 2 coconut shrimp, 2 beers (that's MY kind of dinner!)

S: Watermelon (we were out of Skittles)