Monday, September 29, 2008

Frowning drowned rat

I've been decapitated. Guess I just ran my little head off. ;-)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Running behind"...this week's training update.

Well, I'm a mile behind on my half marathon training.

And although I was cautioned by a seasoned runner (Sarah Reinersten, no less) not to "cram", I think I need to compress my training cycle to 5 days instead of 7.

The weather was nothing short of spectacular this past Saturday, when I had intended to get up early and get my 8.5 mile run out of the way. But the two cocktails I had the night before had me feeling a little rough around the edges. It seems I've become the proverbial "cheap date" since my weight loss, and very little alcohol not only has the "desired effect" but also leaves me with a hangover. Ugh and double ugh.

Add to that the LONG list of things I had to do to prep for a dinner party at Chez Spinnerpom that night, the time I cleaned the house and shopped for exotic ingredients at the Indian grocery store, it was 3:00. I honestly almost said "fuck it"...but I sucked it up and went for it.

I ended up running 8.75 and only the last half mile or so were uncomfortable. So I felt really good about that, and the 1,010 calories I burned made my "cod poached in coconut curry" and the yummy banana wontons I made for dessert almost TOTALLY without guilt!

Anyway, I'm getting back on track. I've been teaching a LOT of Spinning classes (a few extra $$ to pay for the daughter's books and tuition) so I'm having trouble finding time to run.

I taught Sunday morning, Monday evening and Tuesday evening, and am on the schedule for Friday at 6 am and again on Sunday at 9:30 am. Well, I can't be accused of not cross-training!!

Anyway, I have to get cought up, so I got up and ran 4 miles this morning as soon as it was light out (which is getting later and later--bring on Standard Time!) I'm going to try to get my long run (9.5) in on Thursday, even if it means sneaking out of the office early. That means I can do my next long run on Tuesday (10.5 or so) and be close to back on track.

Wow, that ten mile mark is a tough one. Kinda like turning 40. Or 50. ;-)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spinning, Lox and New Friends

This morning I was fortunate enough to finally meet my on-line friend Mary Lyn. Mary Lyn and I "met" on the Weight Watchers fitness discussion board and tried to meet up at the 10K at the Zoo a few weeks ago, but due to the deluge of rain that fell that day, we never managed to meet up.

But today she drove all the way across town to come take my Spinning class. She did GREAT; some people look like they're born to be on a Spinning bike (and some people never look that way, even after years of Spinning) so I was really impressed. And she worked REALLY hard, but then, I expected nothing less.

Here's a photo of the two of us in the studio this morning...not the most flattering light, but the smiles are genuine!


Afterward, we showered and went to a local deli so I could introduce her to some Jewish food (she's an east sider and all us Jewish girls live on the west side). She tasted lox and bagel and we ordered two blintzes (rolled crepes filled with a sweet cottage cheese mixture); we split one and she took the other home to hubby.

We drank at least a pot of coffee and talked about, life, kids, being a woman...all the really important stuff.

Sometimes when we get to a certain age it gets more difficult to meet women who are kindred spirits and with whom we share not only some values but also some hobbies and lifestyles. I consider myself blessed to have met Mary Lyn.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Solo Ride

I don't often ride alone, at least not long distances. I'm almost always either with hubby or with friends when I'm on my bike for any length of time.

But this past Sunday morning, hubby and the boychild were playing golf down near the state line, and it was another in a string of perfect days. My bike had just been rescued from the shop for a new derailler and bottom bracket (don't ask) and was riding like a champ.

So I suited up and rode from my house to a friend's house in Royal Oak; according to, about 15 miles in each direction. I normally head west from my house; the scenery is pretty and there are tons of lakes and a little less traffic. But this ride called for me to head east and my only choices were one road that was very busy (a primary east/west thoroughfare with two lands in each direction) or a road one mile north that was less traveled but had no shoulder in most places and was only one lane in each direction - meaning drivers would have a hard time passing me and I'd have no choice but to ride in the traffic lane.

Although I intuitively preferred the road to the north--it was residential, wooded and rolling--I knew I'd be safer (ironically) on the busier road.

I was right. I kept to the right in the right hand traffic lane; it was early enough that drivers were able to easily move to the left lane to go around me.

I flew. I averaged about 19 mph the whole way there and it felt great. I hit about 24 mph for a few miles at a stretch. It felt GREAT. There was something really empowering about riding alone on a busy road. Weird, huh?

The ride home was a little tougher; bit of a headwind dropped my average speed to around 16, so it took me a little longer.

But it felt great to ride alone, and I won't hesitate to do it from this point forward...unless someone wants to offer to come along. ;-)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What 20 pounds looks like...

This past weekend I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while. And almost every single one of them commented on my weight loss.
I really don't think I look that different. At least, I didn't THINK I did. So I went back through some photos beginning May of last year, right before I decided it was time to get serious about my weight.
All told, I've lost 18 pounds. Which sometimes feels like a lot and sometimes feels like very little, especially when I'm meeting so many women who are struggling with losing much, much more than that.
And I'm still 6 or so pounds from my goal weight, but happy to be holding where I am given my food needs during training.

Anyway, I found this little photo retrospective interesting and a little inspiring, in case I start getting lazy. ;-)

May, 2007 - Ethan's Bar Mitzvah party .....I look...fat. Wearing a "babydoll" style top that I probably thought hid the fat around my middle. In hindsight, it made me look preggers.

July, 2007 - Gary & Michelle's Rehearsal Dinner.......I had already started watching my diet, but hadn't seen much result yet.

Wow...was I really this heavy? ...........

October, 2007 in Atlantic City with "Amy Fabulous"...starting to slim down a bit. Had started running by this time.

December 2007....putting frosting on Craig's 50th bday cake...wearing my favorite skirt which is already too big in this photo...

April, 2008 at Spiaggia in Chicago....feeling good about bare shoulders...

June 2008....

July, 2008 .............
August, 2008 with my new 'do....

I have just one question. Has anyone seen my boobs? They appear to be MIA. If anyone finds them, please return them. No questions asked.