Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spinning, Lox and New Friends

This morning I was fortunate enough to finally meet my on-line friend Mary Lyn. Mary Lyn and I "met" on the Weight Watchers fitness discussion board and tried to meet up at the 10K at the Zoo a few weeks ago, but due to the deluge of rain that fell that day, we never managed to meet up.

But today she drove all the way across town to come take my Spinning class. She did GREAT; some people look like they're born to be on a Spinning bike (and some people never look that way, even after years of Spinning) so I was really impressed. And she worked REALLY hard, but then, I expected nothing less.

Here's a photo of the two of us in the studio this morning...not the most flattering light, but the smiles are genuine!


Afterward, we showered and went to a local deli so I could introduce her to some Jewish food (she's an east sider and all us Jewish girls live on the west side). She tasted lox and bagel and we ordered two blintzes (rolled crepes filled with a sweet cottage cheese mixture); we split one and she took the other home to hubby.

We drank at least a pot of coffee and talked about, life, kids, being a woman...all the really important stuff.

Sometimes when we get to a certain age it gets more difficult to meet women who are kindred spirits and with whom we share not only some values but also some hobbies and lifestyles. I consider myself blessed to have met Mary Lyn.

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